Jackie Marko – Timshel Studios

Website: www.timshel-studios.com

Instagram: @jackmako

Homebase: Kansas

Also Serves: Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, and Nationwide

My name is Jackie and I am a South Dakota native now based in Kansas City. I am primarily a traveling wedding and engagement photographer, but I also love capturing the life happening around me–namely my family and friends. In college, I studied Theology and Art, with an emphasis in photography. This fine arts background has ended up playing a huge role in my approach to photography. 

I have dreams of working for the Church by drawing people into Truth through beauty. So that’s my mission:  to show you the beauty Christ has shown me and photography is my way of doing that!

I come from a long line of photographers so I grew up surrounded by photos. My love for photography–and the art of it–has poured over into many different mediums.  I really enjoy linocut printmaking, drawing, and bookbinding. I’m pretty serious about my photography, but other than that I don’t take life too seriously! I have a pretty loud laugh, I bake and garden, I’ll lose my mind over a fun pair of earrings, and I deeply believe La Croix is incredible.

Time with just the bride and groom on a wedding day is my favorite. Other than that, I’m not looking to invade or interfere – honestly, I want to be a fly on the wall. So I’ll stay back and let the moments happen. That being said, I know there are times I need to take charge, so I’ll step in when I need to. I’ll arrange your aunts and uncles for family photos, let you know if there’s anything in your teeth, and make sure you feel comfortable and look gorgeous in front of the camera!

During my seven years of shooting, and around 100 weddings I’ve documented,  I’ve learned to roll with the punches, have fun in the craziness, and make moments last through photography. I hope to share my work with you and help capture your divine day!

Kansas Catholic Wedding Photographer

Inquire with Jackie: www.timshel-studios.com

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