The Catholic Wedding Gap Explained

What is the “Catholic Gap?”

You may have heard of the term ” The Catholic Gap” through attending weddings or even as you begin planning your own wedding day! The Catholic gap is the term given to the period of time between the end of the wedding mass or ceremony and the start of the reception. Having a 2-4 hour period of time between events is a very common format for many Catholic wedding days.

Why does the Catholic Gap exist?

Many churches schedule Saturday weddings in the morning or early afternoon hours to avoid the wedding running into afternoon confessions and Saturday night masses. Since many couples prefer an evening reception, this creates a lull in the afternoon’s schedule where your guests may need to occupy themselves before heading to the reception.

What will my guests do during the Catholic gap?

Many guests will use this gap to grab a pre-wedding cocktail or freshen up at their home/hotel before the reception. This time can be wonderful for groups that are reuniting like extended family or college friends. Catholic wedding planner Joy from Simply Sacred Events recounts how the parents of one of her clients hosted a relaxed coffee hour at their house during their gap to visit with their out-of-town family!

Can I utilize a Catholic gap without being rude?

Absolutely! As a courtesy to your guests, it’s wise to note the gap on your invitations and wedding website for those who may not be familiar with the length of Catholic weddings. There are many great ways to show extra hospitality to your guests during the gap so they have plenty to do. We recommend listing your favorite bars, restaurants, and coffee shops nearby for out-of-town guests! This can be done on your wedding website or by printing out a physical flyer with a map of the town and places to visit. Consider including these recommendations at the end of your program as well. Another way to show extra care to your guests is by providing a shuttle bus so that guests don’t have to worry about parking or having a designated driver. Your guests can drive themselves to the ceremony and then head back to the hotel after mass to meet the shuttle bus during the gap. If needed, consider speaking with your venue to extend your cocktail hour if your gap is longer than 3 or 4 hours. Serving appetizers and providing an open bar during cocktail hour is another great way to thank your guests for attending your wedding.

What do we (the couple) do during the Catholic gap?

Many couples will use this gap to take photos with their bridal party or for bride and groom portrait time. This is also a great time to take a private break together for prayers of thanksgiving or to enjoy some uninterupted time together during a busy day! Avery of Cana Wedding Co suggests using your gap or cocktail hour to eat a private meal together. This ensures you can eat uninterrupted and later give you time to visit tables during dinner! The beautiful thing about your wedding day is that you can really make it your own. If you foresee yourself wanting downtime after the Mass, consider speaking with your photographer and videographer to prioritize as many portraits before the ceremony.

Our best tips for a smooth Catholic gap

  • Besides written reminders on your wedding website, invitations, and programs, use word of mouth to remind guests about the gap. Many venues will not allow early arriving guests inside until cocktail hour officially begins.
  • Be sure to include both ceremony and reception times on your initiations- “reception to follow” implies that there may not be a gap
  • As you plan your wedding day, discuss with your finacé how you as a couple would like to spend the “Catholic Gap” if your timeline has one.
  • Attempt to get as many bridal party photos done before the ceremony or directly after so that some of the gap can be used for personal time or portraits with just the bride and groom.
  • Ensure your personal belongings like phones or wallets are entrusted to a responsible bridal party member or parents so that you have as few things to worry about as possible while traveling around.
  • Enjoy yourself! Grab your favorite coffee or stop by an ice cream parlor. The wedding morning can be hectic, so use the afternoon for some real wedding fun before the reception begins!

Photos submitted by Cana Wedding Co, photography from Kara Loryn Photography

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