Mary’s Bouquet LLC


Instagram: @marys.bouquetllc

Accepts orders for brides nationwide

Hi, I’m Ceci! I love flowers and have a strong devotion to Mary. I am a cradle Catholic, however I have found myself to be more devote after I began taking rosary walks and after starting my business. I started Mary’s Bouquet LLC, because I wanted to create a rosary out of flowers. I knew I wanted to preserve my own bouquet some day, but I wanted it to be practical. This year, I too am a bride to be! I am engaged and I cannot wait to preserve my bouquet forever in rosaries for my future husband and I to use! I live in Michigan, but I accept orders from all over the USA. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your beautiful flowers that hold so much meaning!

Handmade Catholic Wedding Rosaries

Inquire with Cecilia

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