15 Ideas for Inviting the Saints into Your Wedding Day

A great part of The Catholic Faith’s tradition is our love for our heavenly brothers and sisters, the saints! We pray for their intercession daily, we decorate our homes with artwork of them, and we study their life stories to remind ourselves of how many different ways there are to triumph in our faith! The Saints are such a rich source of inspiration for many so here are 15 Ideas for Inviting the Saints into Your Wedding Day.

  1. Include a subtle illustration honoring a saint in your invitation suite, like animals for St. Francis or roses for St. Therese! We have seen beautiful Marian Crests incorporated into invitation suites which is perfect if your wedding falls on a Marian feast day.

2. Invest in Catholic wax seals for your envelopes to give a beautiful first impression to your guests.

3. Create a custom holy card for your guests with one of your favorite prayers or devotions on the back. Catholic Printing Press or Shower of Roses Shoppe are two places to begin your search.

Fenix Photography & Design

4. Pin a saint or Miraculous medal on your bridal bouquet or groom’s boutonniere.

Colette Lucille Photography

5. Add a prayer or novena to your wedding website for guests to pray before your wedding day.

6. Give out wedding favors that honor the saints! Get creative by using matchbooks for St. Catherine of Sienna or candles for St. Lucy (check out our wonderful TCBC vendor, Corda Candles, for beautiful saint-inspired candles!)

7. Ask your musicians if they can sing the litany of the saints during your wedding ceremony.

8. Display a religious art print at your reception as part of your decor.

9. Look at options for grooms wear. Choose Catholic cufflinks, a tie, or socks for yourself, your groomsmen, or a parent! Check out Sock Religious for a wonderful variety of Saint-inspired socks!

Colette Lucille Photography

10. Have a statue blessed during your wedding to place in or outside your future home together.

“One way that I absolutely love and wish more couples would do… This couple had a particular devotion to St. Michael the Archangel. They got a beautiful statue of him and placed him at the foot of the altar for their wedding. Part of the ceremony, the priest blessed the statue praying for the continued intercession of St. Michael in their marriage. They now keep it in their home as a beautiful reminder!” – TCBC Photographer Jemily Photography

11. Consider asking your florist to incorporate lilies for St. Anthony or roses for St. Rose or St. Therese.

12. Wear saint-inspired jewelry like this delicate gold bracelet from The Little Catholic.

13. Get a beautiful book of the saints or leather-bound bible and have guests write encouraging notes in the margins to inspire you!

Ashlyn Peters Photography

14. Use an heirloom quality Catholic tablecloth for your sweetheart table, like this Mother Theresa inspired table runner or this vintage-inspired tablecloth!

15. Wear a saint-inspired scent for your wedding day. There are many perfumes and scented oils made by monasteries that would make a lovely addition to your wedding morning pampering. Salt and Light by Sami has beautiful and non-toxic saint-inspired scents for both men and women!

And most importantly, continue to pray for the intercession of the saints throughout your dating relationship, engagement, and marriage! Do you plan to incorporate the saints into your wedding day? If so, leave us a comment below if any of these ideas helped you.

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